St. Peter Public Library in the aftermath of the 1998 tornado, St. Peter, MN. 



The Minnesota Alliance for Heritage Response (MN-AHR) is a statewide network of museums, archives, libraries, performing arts organizations, historic preservation groups, and emergency responders dedicated to preparing for and responding to disasters affecting collections and historic properties. The purpose of the group is to share resources and create an environment of cooperation and preparedness in order to reduce the impact of emergency situations on Minnesota collections and historic properties.

Organizational Charter and Bylaws


Minnesota is home to a thriving art, culture, and heritage community. As an example, there are an estimated 562 historical organizations in the state, ranging from tiny all-volunteer area history museums to the Minnesota Historical Society. Minnesota also hosts roughly 7,000 properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NR). 1,600 properties are listed individually and the rest are located within NR-listed historic districts. 

Minnesota is susceptible to natural disasters including tornados, flooding, fires, and winter storms. As demonstrated in 2020, collections and historic properties in Minnesota can also be affected by civil unrest, global pandemics, and economic instability. Finally, disasters that cannot be foreseen or explained such as accidental fires and car accidents affect Minnesota’s heritage resources.

Photo of metal map storage cabinet partly burned with burnt rubble surrounding it.
Arson at the Isanti County Historical Society museum completely destroyed the museum and much of the collections. 

Board of Directors

Megan Brakob Narvey, Chair

Megan Brakob Narvey is the Outreach Conservator at the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS). Her role at MNHS is to provide assistance in caring for collections to organizations across Minnesota, and she is particularly passionate about getting people prepared for emergencies. Megan is also a National Heritage Responder! 

Grant Wilson, Vice Chair

Grant Wilson is the archivist of Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud, Minnesota. In 2021, he earned a Master of Information degree concentrating in archives and preservation from Rutgers University. 

Nicole Grabow, Secretary

Nicole Grabow is the Director of Preventive Conservation at the Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC), a non-profit center for preservation and conservation. A trained Objects and Preventive Conservator with over 20 years of experience, Ms. Grabow works with the collection caretakers from hundreds of non-profit organizations to advance preservation efforts and enhance the level of collections care in the Midwest region and beyond.

Adam Smith, Member At Large

Adam Smith works as an Archives Technician at Minnesota State University, Mankato and serves as a board member for the Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums.  He’s passionate about disaster preparedness and providing training opportunities for cultural heritage staff and volunteers to prepare for emergencies.

Jess Edberg, Member At Large

Jess Edberg is the Executive Director of the Dorothy Molter Museum in Ely, MN and is passionate about helping other organizations plan and prepare for emergencies.

Maddison Zikmund, Member At Large

Maddison Zikmund is the Fire Chief for the City of Fridley, MN a first-ring suburb of the Twin Cities.  He serves as a Fire Service Instructor at the local and national level including response to fires after a suppression system activation.  Chief Zikmund is a strong proponent of partnerships as indicated by his work with the American Red Cross, numerous non-profits, and extending to the Alliance for Heritage Response.

Mary Coburn, Member At Large

Preservation Specialist, University of Minnesota

MN-AHR would like to thank the following individuals who contributed to its creation:

Melissa Amundsen

Crystal Boyd

Dan Cagley

Madeline Cooper

Tiffani Emig

Nicole Grabow

Elaina Gregg

Pejuta Haka Red Eagle

Saira Haqqi

Hannah Novillo Erickson

Catherine Sandlund
Joe Hoover

Kate Hujda

Emily Kurash

Julia Larson

Todd Mahon

Megan Narvey

Adam Smith

Heidi Swank

Todd Topper

Colin Turner

Rita Walaszek Arndt

Richard Walker

Nyle Zikmund

Photo of flooded archive. Man in wading pants with water up to his hips surveying damaged records on metal shelves.
In 2002 a flood in Roseau, MN filled the basement of their courthouse with water which held the county historical societies archives.

If you are interested in getting involved in the Alliance for Response, please fill out this form or contact